FUNNY. Nadal blushes for awkward interview about his girlfriend

Rafael Nadal is merciless with his opponents, but soon after he steps out the court he often shows his soft side. Jim Courier knows Rafa very well, and he couldn’t miss the occasion to tease him about the presence in Melbourne of his long-term girlfriend Xisca Pereira after ten years. Rafa tried to dodge the bullet, but then with a smile, he cut the interview short.

What happened

Courier: This is also the first time that you’ve brought your girlfriend Xisca down to Australia if I’m not mistaken. Is that right? How has that been for you to have her with you here? Have you guys been having some fun here in Australia as well?

Nadal: Yes it was great. The negative thing is that I lost in the quarter-finals in Brisbane, but the good thing is that I had the chance to visit Sydney and I hadn’t been there before. I was [sic] knowing a little bit of Sydney, and we enjoyed it. And now finally after ten years, my girlfriend gets a wildcard to come here.

Courier: A wildcard? I’m speechless. That’s a wildcard? She’s not a main draw player? Does she need a special entry?

Nadal: You know, it’s better we stop here.

Probably this interview was even more challenging than beating a tough Monfils for Rafa.