Nadal accused of doping by former French Minister

Doping is the topic of the moment in tennis. After Maria Sharapova disclosed that she failed a drug test in Melbourne, everyone is venting thier own ideas on the subject.

The latest allegation came from former French Minister for Health and Sport Roselyne Bachelot who said  “We know that Nadal’s famous seven-month injury (2012) was without a doubt due to a positive. When you see a tennis player who stops playing for long months, it is because he has tested positive and because they are covering it up. It is not something that always happens, but yes it happens more than you think.”


The Spanish Olympic Committee released a statement saying that Nadal ”has been submitted to innumerable anti-doping controls that he has always passed throughout his long career.”

Uncle Toni

Toni Nadal was more direct calling (deservedly) Bachelot ”an imbecile.” 

Waging a war against doping is very important, however accusing an athlete of being doped just because he is extremely fit is terrible.