Injured Isner may not play the Davis Cup against Brazil

Bad news from the American camp as their no.1 may not play the first Davis Cup Tie.

Big Johny got injured in Australia to even skip the slam at Melbourne Park. He was extremely keen on recovering for the Davis Cup as he is always happy to represent his country. 

Last year the American giant had a memorable match in Switzerland to beat Roger Federer in 4 sets. Unfortunately this year the story is going to be quite different.

About the injury

“It’s something I felt a little in the offseason. I’ve had times in the past where some ache would nag me, but then go away. In hindsight, I should’ve been more cautious and not trained through it. But I didn’t do that. And it bothered me in Australia.” John said

“It’s frustrating because it’s not a muscular problem you can rehab. It’s on the bone, so you just have to wait. Right now, it’s a race against the clock.” Isner added.

“I can’t say if I’ll be 100 percent in three or four days. I just don’t know. I’ll give it a try this week and see how it goes. I do know I won’t take any chances and risk the rest of the season. If I can play, I’ll play. If I can’t, I’ll wait.”

About the tie 

Team USA will play Brazil in Jacksonville on indoor hard courts. If John won’t be able to play the next top ranked guys would be Fish (world no.31 that shouldn’t be able to play because of his fitness problems), Roddick (world no.41… retired) and then Baker (world no.53) or Harrison (world no.57).

The other players from the USA camp are Querrey and the Bryan brothers for doubles.

The Brazilian team will have Bellucci as their top player (world no.36), Alvez (world no.141), and Melo and Soares for doubles.

USA should win anyway…