Many football fans typically show their dedication to sports stars or teams by getting tattoos, which is a popular occurrence. Nevertheless, Suzy Cortez, a passionate Lionel Messi fan and former Miss BumBum champion, has taken her devotion to exceptional heights. She set a new world record last year for the highest number of tattoos relating to Messi. These tattoos included his signature, the number 10 from his national team uniform, and the three stars representing their World Cup victory in 2022.

What distinguishes this ink is its location in a pretty personal area—on the side of Cortez’s shapely behind. Cortez’s exceptional commitment to Messi, who currently competes for Inter Miami in the MLS, resulted in her inclusion in the Guinness Book of World Records. Although the unusual surface for her “super tattoo,” Cortez regards it as a valuable manifestation of her enthusiasm.

In December 2022, she disclosed her intentions for the tattoo to align with Argentina’s possible World Cup triumph in Qatar. Interestingly, Cortez stated that her Messi-inspired tattoos have had a negative effect on men’s performance in bed, and she shared funny stories about how her body art has influenced intimate interactions.

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