Tag: Porsche

Sharapova features in new Porsche commercial

Maria Sharapova is the ambassador of many brands, one of these is Porsche. Shooting this commercial is part of a 3 years deal that started in 2013. Now the world no.2 appears in a commercial for the famous brand talking about how important is outperform...

Halep awarded with Porsche Carrera

Simona Halep had a fantastic 2014. She has won 2 tournaments, she has reached the finals in Singapore, Madrid and at the Roland Garros, she has reached a no.2 career high (now she is no.3) and she has even managed to give a very...

Maria Sharapova attend in Porsche Event in Russia 2014

Maria Sharapova attend in Porsche Event in Russia 2014

Sharapova to be the Porsche brand Ambassador

Sugarpova, Sharapova apartments in India.... and now... why not? Porsche!!! Queen Maria will be the first brand Ambassador for Porsche and you can't get any more glamorous than that. Maria is already in Stuttgart to train for the WTA Porsche Grand Prix to try to defend her...

Padel World