Pennetta beats injured Radwanska to win the Indian Wells title

Flavia rolls over Anieszka 6-2 6-1. Video highlights

And finally it was Flavia Pennetta!

The Italian won an incredible title in Indian Wells beating an array of top players. After defeating world no.2 Na  Li, Flavia had the daunting task to face world no.3 and in-form Agnieszka Radwanska that was the clear favourite for the title.

The match was rather affected by the injured to the Pole’s left knee that has hampered her movements. The world no.3  had to call twice the trainer on –court, but there was no much to do. On the other side Flavia didn’t leave anything to Radwanska to wrap up the title in just 73 minutes. Match Stats

Flavia was the lowest ranked player to win this title (she was ranked no.21 to be ranked no.12 after this win) and this was her 10th career title and the most prestigious after the Premier tournament won in Los Angeles 2009 (that doesn’t exist anymore).

Flavia: This was the moment I was waiting for

The Italian commented “I’m happy. Really happy. I think I need a few days to realize this. Right now I’m too calm, I think. I called my dad, and he couldn’t breathe. I told him, ‘Papa, breathe!’ 

“After so many years and so much work and everything, this is the moment I was waiting for. And it comes when you least expect it. In the beginning of the tournament I never expected to be the champion, or even be in the final or semifinal. I was just here trying to play my best tennis.

“For me, this is something I was waiting for a long time.”