Why Federer loves Italian pasta (Barilla)

Roger Federer like many athletes loves eating pasta because of the carbs (energy providers) and the taste. Roger will go one step further to partner with the popular Italian brand Barilla.

Federer about his relationship with pasta

Roger explains why (besides money) he thinks it’s natural for him to endorse the pasta maker. The Swiss commented

“Barilla pasta and sauces provide the energy that I need to succeed on the tennis court and enjoy my family’s favorite activities. Pasta has been part of my daily diet for so many years that this partnership is a natural.”

The communicate from Barilla

Vice Chairman Luca Barilla commented

“For years, it has been my dream that Roger could join Barilla in the fascinating mission of helping people eat better, in favor of their health and the sustainability of the Planet. Now this dream has come true.”

The terms of the agreement have not been released, but apparently, it’s a $40 million deal. Federer is already estimated to earn $50 million per year of endorsement. That makes him the 4th most paid athlete in the world.

Regarding Barilla, the company is used to have partnerships with different sports. In the past, they sponsored Stefan Edberg, Steffi Graf, Alberto Tomba, AS Roma, Alex Zanardi,  and Ricardo Kaka.