How to volley in padel against a slice shot

Sandy from The Padel School explains that volleyers often make errors when their opponent hits a slice shot, causing the ball to go into the net.

volley against slice

A typical error made by volleyers when their opponent hits a slice shot which frequently ends with the ball entering the net is clarified by Sandy of The Padel School. Beginner to intermediate players frequently make this mistake, which is frequently brought on by an opponent who slices the ball from the back of the court.

Sandy advises against pausing with the racket in order to prevent this, instead going through the ball to increase momentum and keeping the racket face slightly more open during contact. It takes an eye to spot an opponent’s slicing by looking at their body language and racket swing. Slice is probably being employed if the volleyer has a history of missing balls into the net or if they open their racket face beneath the ball.