Discover how to perform a decent padel smash.

The YouTube video outlines techniques for perfecting the padel smash, including using a flat hand, starting early, practicing on a glass surface, visualizing the swing, hitting cleanly, and letting bounce.

Discover how to hit a proper smash in the pedale

The coach offers multiple techniques for perfecting the padel smash in the YouTube video. To hit the ball cleanly, you must first visualize your swing, hit it with a short swing, and let it bounce before you hit.

For increased power and contact, the coach advises training against a glass surface as well. Another segment focuses on starting early in the swing, utilizing a flat hand and relaxed grip, and extending the swing without employing strength. When practicing on a glass surface, safety considerations are discussed. In general, the instructor stresses that learning the padel smash requires patience, repetition, and good technique.