Federer defeats Dimitrov in 4 sets

Roger Federer sails in the 4th round in Melbourne after a good performance against Grigor Dimitrov. Roger was in absolute control for the entire match with the exception of 2nd set when he was broken in the 4th game. Besides that, Roger broke Dimitrov in every other set without being broken again.

Federer. The begining of the 3rd was the key

Roger commented “Grigor was playing well and I thought I was struggling a little bit. It was an important start to the third set. Thankfully I got the early break and was able to stay in the lead.”

Win no.300

After this match Roger becames the first man in tenni shistory to have won 300 matches in slams.

Roger is second only to Martina Navratilova (306 singles won in slams).


Next vs. Goffin

Roger will play David Goffin in the next round. Head to head is 3-0 for Roger that seems to be poised to make it 4.


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