When Jarry was banned for doping

Nicolas Jarry, a Chilean tennis player, was banned for two substances in 2020, causing controversy and a ban. After a thorough investigation, the authorities backdated Jarry's ban, allowing him to return to the sport. Jarry's case serves as a cautionary tale about the risks of supplements and the importance of vigilance in adhering to anti-doping regulations. His return to the tennis circuit will be a testament to his determination and the human spirit's resilience.


In the competitive world of professional tennis, the line between victory and violation can sometimes blur. Such was the case with Nicolas Jarry, a promising talent whose ascent in the tennis ranks was marred by a doping scandal that shook his career to its core.

Jarry, a Chilean tennis player known for his powerful serve and forehand, found himself at the center of controversy in 2020 when he tested positive for two banned substances. The substances in question, ligandrol and stanozolol, are known for their performance-enhancing effects, casting a shadow over Jarry’s achievements on the court.

The news of the doping ban sent ripples through the tennis community, as Jarry was handed an 11-month suspension from the sport he loved. The ban was a significant setback for the young athlete, who had been climbing the ATP rankings with a series of impressive performances.

Cross – Contamination

However, the story took a turn when Jarry’s explanation for the positive test was taken into account. He claimed that the banned substances entered his system through cross-contamination from vitamins made in a Brazilian laboratory. This claim of inadvertent ingestion painted a picture of an athlete caught in an unfortunate situation, rather than one of deliberate cheating.

The tennis authorities, after a thorough investigation, accepted Jarry’s explanation and backdated his ban, allowing him to return to professional tennis sooner than expected. This decision was met with mixed reactions, as some applauded the leniency shown towards a player who had potentially made an honest mistake, while others questioned the integrity of the sport’s anti-doping measures.

Jarry’s case serves as a cautionary tale for athletes around the world about the risks associated with supplements and the importance of vigilance in adhering to anti-doping regulations. It also highlights the complexities involved in determining intent and fault in doping violations.

As Jarry makes his return to the tennis circuit, he carries with him not just the hopes of reigniting his career but also the burden of proving that his talent alone is enough to compete at the highest level. The tennis world watches with keen interest to see if Jarry can reclaim his place among the sport’s rising stars and leave the shadow of the doping ban behind him.

For Jarry, the road ahead is fraught with challenges, but it is also lined with opportunities for redemption. His journey back to the top will be a testament to his determination and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can triumph.

Jarry in Rome, ranking, and results in 2024

Nicolas Jarry

16 - 13win/loss

28 year old
2024 Highlights

Now ranked no.24, Nicolas has managed to achieve a compiled 16-11 match record in 2024. Nicolas is playing in Rome where he conquered the world no.37 Matteo Arnaldi 6-2 7-66, the world no.125 Stefano Napolitano 6-2 4-6 6-4, the world no.109 Alexandre Muller 7-5 6-3, the world no.8 Stefanos Tsitsipas 3-6 7-5 6-4 and the world no.16 Tommy Paul 6-3 6-73 6-3.

Nicolas Jarry will square off with the world no.5 Alexander Zverev in the final. Their record is 4-2 for Zverev.

The Chilean reached the final in Buenos Aires (Argentina Open).

Jarry has scheduled to play next in Geneva (Gonet Geneva Open). He will start the tournament from the main draw that will commence on the 19th of May.

Jarry's Record