Fans were overjoyed to see the former tennis great blogging about his life again after he had not posted for around five months. After all, he is the tennis player that many of us grew up watching on television in the living room, even though we may never see him on the court again. Perhaps you should resume your ways and explore the kingdom as Roger Federer does, posting updates from Thailand.

Federer looked to be at the floating market, one of Thailand’s most well-known tourist attractions, in his Instagram photo with the caption “Floating through Thailand.” As seen in one of his images, floating markets are filled with delicious street food at affordable prices, trinkets, and cool drinks. Of course, a little cruise along the waterway wearing a traditional hat would make the experience perfect. Federer took care to ensure that he didn’t overlook this.

Federer is seen being driven around town in a tuk-tuk in another post. He captioned: “Fast and Furious, Tuk-Tuk Edition.”