Roger Federer took on various roles to fill out his daily schedule after retiring from professional tennis. The most important one, which he has so far maintained, is being a devoted parent. He makes the most of the time he has with his kids and is thoroughly enjoying it.

The Swiss Genius may have given up playing tennis, but he continues to be active in other activities. He came back for the Laver Cup this time as a supporter and gave an insight into his life after retirement. Federer remains active by driving his kids about, unlike what many people might believe.

Federer disclosed his activities and schedule in a recent interview and said: “The days are long. But at the same time, I feel like I don’t have enough time. You know, because I pack my schedule up, four kids will do that to you as well. So, I’m their professional driver nowadays and an organizer and a logistics man. Yeah, it’s definitely a test on a completely different level. There’s a lot going on, I mean, I’m still in the gym, I’m surprised I’m going to the gym.”

Federer joked about having put on weight in addition to being the driver for his kids. He added: “I always used to dread the moment of going to the gym, so I do it like 4-5 times a week. Believe it or not, I don’t look the part. I’m a little heavier now unfortunately, I’m working on that right now. I’m on a diet.”