Federer crashes Berdych in 67 minutes!

Roger Federer has a surprisingly smooth quarterfinal against Tomas Berdych in Rome.

The Swiss Maestro had just a little awkward moment in the 5th game of the opening set when he was broken (3-2 for Berdych), but then he did fight back to wn 4 consecutive games and win the opener 6-3. Roger was pretty much in his groove also in the second set where he was also 2-3 down (but on serve) to win again 4 consecutive games. The world no.2 won 6-3 6-3 in just 67 minutes. Match Stats

Federer: From the baseline I was playing very well

Roger was very happy with his performance to comment “From the baseline I was playing very well. My serve was not quite there in the beginning. I had to go through too many second serves and he was able to take advantage of that and break early. For me, it was important to pick it up on the serve, which is maybe the easiest thing to do.

I felt good again on the return, moving well. As it went on, I think I got into the match better and better. The wind picked up in the second set. That’s why I think Tomas didn’t play so well anymore and I was able to get the job done. So I’m very pleased how the match went.”

The semi vs. Wawrinka

It is going to be an all Swiss affair in the lower part of the draw as Roger will play is friend Stan Wawrinka. Head to head is 15-2 for Roger, 3-2 for the Maestro on clay.