Maria Sharapova defeats Magdalena Rybarikova after a tricky match in Acapulco quarters.

Maria was in full control of the match after leading 6-1 2-2. Then the Russian started to struggle to win just 2 of the following 7 games to be 6-1 4-6 0-1. Things got “normal” soon after with Maria winning 6 of the following 7 games to finally win 6-1 4-6 6-2. Match Stats.

Sharapova: I have had a stomach virus

Maria commented “Unfortunately I’ve had a stomach virus for the past couple of days and during tonight’s match it got a lot worse. I could not make it to press tonight as I am trying to do everything to recover for tomorrow and hoping that I will be out on the court.”

Next vs. Garcia

Maria will play Caroline Garcia in the semifinal. Head to head is 3-0 for the Russian.