Cilic wins the title in Moscow!

Marin Cilic wins his 4th title of his magnificent 2014 in Moscow.

Marin had an incredible year so far. The great highlight was off course his triumph at the US Open, but he has also won 3 important tournaments in Zagreb, Delray Beach and now Moscow.

In Russia Cilic didn’t have the tidiest tournament to drop one set against both Donskoy and Kukushkin. The final against Roberto Bautista-Agut ended in straight sets, but everything was decided on just a couple of occasions. The big difference was in the break conversion as Cilic converted 2 of 4 while the Spaniard wasn’t able to break Marin on 6 break points. Eventually Cilic won 6-4 6-4 scoring just 6 points more than the Spaniard (68 vs 62). Match Stats.

Cilic: This will be a key title

Marin felt elated by the title that is a sort of “confirmation” that his triumph at the US Open didn’t come by chance “After winning such a big tournament as a Grand Slam you have a lot of emotions and it’s important to bounce back and keep going,” said Marin. “I feel this is going to be a really good push for my career. All the titles are special but this one will definitely have an important spot. It is important for my progress.

After winning big titles, players are very motivated to play better and they are playing more. I felt also that this week I had a lot of tough matches and I was able to stay in the battle and bring on my best tennis.

Next week I have a week off and then I will be preparing for Bercy. Two very big tournaments coming up for me in Bercy and London. I have to be motivated to do well.”

This  is Cilic’s 13 career title and it seems he won’t stop there.