Nadal: I decided not to play on Saturday, the pain was too much

This is a very tough moment for Rafael Nadal that will not be able to play the US Open because of an injury to his right wrist.

During a recent interview the King of Clay shared when and how he decided not to compete in the last slam.

I decided on Saturday …

“On Saturday I tried to play with the double-handed backhand, and I immediately felt pain in my wrist. For me this is a very hard time, but I know it is just the way sport is. Over 10 years as a professional tennis player I had very good moments and very bad moments, but no matter how tough the low moments have been, I always considered myself privilege”

… the doctors will give me the approval for my come back

“Currently it would be tough for me to be on court for the Davis Cup tie in September. I will come back when the doctors will approve and when I will be able to play a backhand with both hands without feeling pain. To propel myself, forcing a comeback and try to cut the healing process short at this point would just be stupid”.

… I have no chances to win a slam with a sliced back hand

“I have no chances to compete now. I can’t play a Grand Slam playing only with a sliced backhand. Like that it would be impossible to win. Currently I can’t say when I will come back to tennis. All I am thinking now is to heal well. What really matters is that I didn’t have a chance to play three very important tournaments [Toronto, Cincinnati, US Open]. It’s tough because opportunities are not eternal”.

Let’s hope Rafa can make it at least for the Asian Swing in October.