TENNIS TRAINING | How To Train The Up And Back Tennis Footwork

uy is 10 years old at the time of this video and came all the way from Israel to work with me. I’m honored to have the opportunity to help him out.

One of the biggest things Guy can do with his tennis training is to learn how to use the correct footwork to move up and back on the baseline.

Guy is going to use 2 different footwork patterns on this video.

The ‘Switch’ pattern on the deep ball and ‘Stepping In’ for the ball on the baseline.

When Guy (and YOU) learns how to move up and back better as part of his tennis training his game would shoot through the roof.

Many people don’t understand how to move up on the shorts balls.

Especially the ones just inside the baseline.

During your tennis training, try having someone toss balls to you to work on this very simple movement.

To get the most out of your tennis training, try and working on these 2 footwork patterns together.