Katowice. Radwanska and Cornet to clash in semifinal

Katowice. Radwanska and Cornet to clash in semifinal

Agnieszka Radwanska and Alize Cornet will play for a place in the final in Katowice


Agnieszka had an easy match against seed no.6 Yvonne Meusburger in 87 minutes. The match lasted only 6 games (3-3 in the opening set). Then the Pole won the next 9 games out of 10 to win 6-4 6-1. Match Stats

Agnieszka had some comments about how nice it is to play home “One of the things I like most about this tournament is that it’s not far from the place where I live, it’s like a 45-minute drive away.

I got really excited when I noticed my beloved grandma Wieslawa beside my mother in the stands. She has always been one of my biggest fans and supporters, she has watched all my matches on TV or internet since the very beginning of my career. But never before had she seen me play live, and now she can come to see all of my matches.

Her presence gives me positive vibes. I’m so happy!”


Alize had a weird match against Koukalova to win 6-2 0-6 6-2 in 1 hour and 48 minutes.

Head to head

Hear to head is 3-0 for Agnieszka that has never conceded a single set to Cornet.