Bubka Jr. back to tennis 14 months after freak accident

A good win (even if he has lost) for Sergei Bubka Jr that has played the qualifications against Valery Rudnev in Melbourne.

The Ukraine has found his way back to tennis after 14th months.  It was in October 12 when Azarenka’s former boyfriend fell from an apartment in Paris.

Apparently Sergei was locked in the bathroom and he was trying to get back to the adjacent room through the window. That wasn’t a good move at all and Bubka Jr. fell down.

Sergei commented “Before my accident I played tennis only because I loved playing,” admits Bubka. “When I was in therapy and trying to get back in shape and dealing with all the setbacks I realised how much I missed the game and the life of a tennis player. I wanted to get back as soon as possible. And I pushed hard for the Australian Open.”

“My father did not want me to play just yet because he was worried that I might re-injure myself. My coach was worried that I was trying to play too soon. But I passed the physio’s test and I really wanted to play.”

Welcome back!