Djokovic to play with Federer at the Laver Cup in Chicago

After last year’s incredible success, the Laver Cup keeps on growing in 2018.

In 2017 the big thing was seeing Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer teaming up in doubles. This year we may expect Novak Djokovic play with Roger in Chicago defending the colors of Team Europe.

I would love playing with Roger. DJOKOVIC

Nole and Roger had a turbulent relationship early in the days, but everything is now forgotten, and it will be absolutely fantastic seeing them playing together. This is the idea also expressed by the Serbian that released the following comment

I love the whole concept of ‘rivals becoming teammates’ and can’t wait to join Roger Federer in Team Europe under the leadership of our inspirational captain, Bjorn Borg, one of the most accomplished players in tennis history,

“Roger and I have played so many tough matches, and he is such a great champion, so it will be a unique experience being part of the same team and perhaps even play doubles together.

I watched the Laver Cup on TV last year, and it looked amazing.

All the players competed with such passion, and the team spirit was extraordinary; everyone was working together, cheering for each other and even coaching from the bench during matches.”

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