Kyrgios to play Zverev in Davis Cup tie in Canberra?

Nick Kyrgios and Sascha Zverev will be the big names of the blockbuster Davis Cup clash between Australia and Germany that will take place in February soon after the Australian Open.

Nick has repeatedly said that he is completely into the competition and he would definitely love to play the Davis Cup tie on the home ground in Canberra.


Tennis ACT boss Kim Kachel commented

“He [Kyrgios] is loving the Davis Cup environment at the moment and he’s had some great results in the Davis Cup, he’s enjoying that atmosphere.

I’m sure the Canberra public would be keen to see a Davis Cup tie here. It would be a brilliant result.

We’ve got a world-class facility here, and we’ve got a strong tennis community here in Canberra so it would be great to showcase the Davis Cup or Fed Cup here in Canberra.”

This would be definitely a fantastic occasion to further spearhead tennis in Canberra. It should happen.

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