Federer celebrates Nadal’s 10th French Open

Roger Federer graced Rafael Nadal’s inauguration of his academy in Mallorca last October. At that time, many were thinking that two semi-retired (and definitely finished) players were standing on that stage.

We are not finished

On that occasion, Rafael Nadal made it clear that Roger and he were not finished, but not many people believed that.

You fast forward in 2017 and on one side you have Federer winning the Australian Open, Indian Wells, and Miami; on the other, you have Rafa that won Monte-Carlo, Barcelona, and the Roland Garros (each for the 10th time) and Madrid.

After Rafa won “la decima” in Paris, Roger tweeted

“Simply incredible, Rafa #10 #RG17 #VamosRafa #justdoit

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