FUNNY. Judy Murray reveals Andy and Jamie nicknames

Andy and Jamie Murray are the British tennis icons right now. During the 12 years they have been around in the pro tennis they made a name for their mental toughness and the amazing results that they have achieved for themselves and their country (Davis Cup and Olympic Games).

The nicknames

Judy Murray reveals to The Sunday Post that in the early days, Andy and Jamie were known as the “Moo-ray brothers.” Andy was the “Mini Moo” while Jamie was the “Maxi Moo.”

Judy commented

“When we went to tournaments overseas we were always called The Moorays. It became The Moos for short. There was Mini Moo – Andy; Maxi Moo – Jamie; and Jud Moo – myself. A lot of kids and coaches used to call us by those names. That is how my Twitter name came about, but I have changed it now to Judy Murray, so more people know who I am.”

At the end of the day, Mini Moo managed to become the world no.1 in singles while Maxi Moo had the same achievement in doubles.

Well done to the Moos!