SVITOLINA. Why it’s not always easy dating Monfils

Are Gael and Elina doing great in their relationship?

Ukrainian tennis ace Elina Svitolina says that there are good things and there are bad things about her relationship with the Frenchman Gael Monfils. Elina, 24, and Gael, 32, are dating each other for some time now. Dating a man in the same profession as she is, has its own complications but she says that there are two sides of a coin. Elina says: “I won’t say it makes life complicated, but there are some good and bad things.”

She added: “Most of the time, we’re playing big tournaments together, so he’s here supporting me. He supports me through injuries. He knows the situation I’m in. It might not be great that we’re always in tennis mode, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Is Elina and Gael’s relationship going fine?

Elina says that if she had dated someone from a profession other than tennis then it could have given her time to take her mind off from tennis for a while, she says: “You have to manage the same way as you would if you were with someone who wasn’t as involved in tennis. For others, that might be a good thing because it might help take their minds off tennis.”

Another problem she talks about is an invasion of her privacy which comes with being a popular tennis player and dating another popular tennis player. She says:

“That’s a bit bothering, you have no privacy but that’s part of our job.”

Despite all these complications, they are able to find some quality time with each other. She says:

“We have a packed calendar so hanging out is a luxury which we can rarely afford. But when we manage to find a free day, we go to a romantic city and we spend some time alone together. We played in different cities and in between tournaments, we met each other in Paris for 24 hours walking by streets and eating nice food.”