Why there is nothing wrong about modeling. BOUCHARD

Genie Bouchard is definitely one of the hottest players in the world. Even if Genie is not performing up to her potential on court, she is often asked to do some modeling now and then. Unfortunately, Genie’s passion for modeling and her underperformance is attracting lots of criticism. She has an answer for that.

Why there is nothing wrong with modeling. BOUCHARD

During a recent interview, Genie shares her thoughts about why there is nothing wrong with modeling. The Canadian commented

“I have got that [criticism] over the past couple of years anytime I do a photoshop anywhere. It’s like ‘oh my God get back on the tennis court. What are you doing?’. Like ‘go practice.’ And I am like ‘today I have practiced for six hours, and I did this [modeling] for like two hours. So if I have practiced 6 hours per day this week, what are you talking about?

So, I just have to deal with that hate and not take it personally, and it has been a couple of years now, so I have learnt to. But I just think there is nothing wrong if you have success, and it opens doors for other opportunities like being associated with. I mean I would be crazy not to take advantage of that.”

Finally, she added

“I am still a tennis player and that is still my number one priority, but I if have a bit of time to do other things, why not? It’s awesome!”