Why I want FAST4 on the main tour. KYRGIOS

Nick Kyrgios likes to try new things, and the FAST4 tennis format seems to be a good one for him.

What’s the FAST4

They call it FAST 4 because you win a game after 4 points (i.e., No-AD format); you win a set after conquering four games.

Therefore there are four key rules:
1- No-AD system;
2- Lets on serve are player;
3- Tiebreak apply on 3-all (5 points to win a tiebreak);
4- The first to conquer four games wins the set.

The format was initiated in Melbourne in 2014 during an exhibition between Roger Federer and home favorite Lleyton Hewitt. The Swiss won that match 4–3(5–3) 2–4, 3–4(3–5) 4–0, 4–2.

Why Kyrgios likes the format

Nick will take on Nadal in Sydney in an exhibition that will be played with the FAST4 format this coming Monday. The Australian is extremely keen on the format to comment

“Fast 4 is great because it allows you get to look at some of your main competitors prior to the major event, but you’re not playing full matches and running the risk of injury

It’s something different to what we usually face on tour; it brings the pressure points or big points earlier which is fun to play but also fun to watch for the crowd.

As it says on the tin, it’s fast and exciting. Aside from that, it’s another showcase to have people come along and watch and or talk about, and surely that’s only a good thing for tennis.”

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Do you like the FAST4 format?