Why I will be back at the top in 2017. FEDERER

Roger Federer is training hard to be ready for next season, and the good news is that he is confident he will be back at the top.

Why I will be back at the top in 2017. FEDERER

Roger will crash out the top10 when he will be back on the circuit, but he thinks he will conquer again one of the spots at the very top of the ATP rankings. During a recent interview, Federer commented

“I am completely on track. The hope is that I am again 100 percent almost in physical conditions, training with the treadmill and sprints. Now we are increasing the intensity, and also I will start to play tennis again.”

I have thought about that these few weeks; what’ll it be like when I return; will I feel pressure, because I will have dropped a few places in the rankings. But if I can train the way I am hoping, I think that I can quite rapidly rejoin.”

Ready for a spectacular comeback?

Will Federer be at his very best when back in 2017?




