PADEL. Before competing in the Miami Final, Galan and Lebron have an odd and tricky argument.

Lebron vs. Galan
galan vs lebron

Before the Premier Padel P1 final in Miami, Alejandro Galan and Juan Lebron, who were once the most dominant combination in padel, had a strange and intense argument. The two athletes’ widely publicized breakup last year, which came after a slew of arguments and disputes, is the source of their tension.

After a wild game in Doha, their four-year partnershipwhich had given them great successcame to an abrupt end. Lebron expressed astonishment and disappointment at the choice, while Galan chose to separate ways, claiming discomfort and the need for new challenges.

In this video, they were flinging balls at one another in a humorous and immature manner during the warm-up, briefly refusing to rally.

This is the video.