Rafael Nadal, the legendary tennis champion, recently penned a heartfelt tribute to the late Rino Tommasi, an iconic Italian tennis journalist who passed away on January 8, 2025, at the age of 90. Tommasi, known for his insightful commentary and deep love for the sport, was a towering figure in the world of tennis journalism.

In an emotional message shared on social media, Nadal expressed his sorrow and admiration for Tommasi. “Today my thoughts are with Rino Tommasi and his family,” Nadal wrote. “Today one of the greats of tennis journalism passed away. A big hug to all my Italian friends. Rest in peace, Rino” (translated from Italian).

Tommasi’s career spanned several decades, during which he lent his voice to an impressive 140 Grand Slam tournaments. His memorable commentary included iconic matches such as Nadal’s 2008 Wimbledon final victory over Roger Federer, widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis matches ever played.

Nadal and Tommasi shared a cordial relationship, evident in the Spaniard’s birthday message to the journalist in 2018. “Happy birthday to Mr. Tommasi. I wish you well,” Nadal had written on Instagram.

The tennis world mourns the loss of a true legend, and Nadal’s tribute is a testament to the profound impact Tommasi had on the sport and those who followed it. As fans and colleagues remember Tommasi’s contributions, his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of sports journalists and enthusiasts.