Many athletes have used the “excuse” of the Zika virus for not participating in the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio.

Zika is an exaggeration

According to Novak Djokovic, the entire story has been exaggerated.

“My decision is to go to the Olympic Games, because from the information and facts that I got, it’s not as it’s presented,” he commented. “It’s not as dangerous. Of course, there is always a possibility that you can get that virus, but I think, you know, maybe the fuss and the buzz about that virus has been created with some kind of other intent. But I’m not going to get into that. For me, it’s safe enough, and I’m going to go.”

Nole has won a bronze medal at the Olympic Games in London, and he will be top-seeded in Rio. He doesn’t want to miss this chance to bring the gold to his country.

Is Zika Virus an exaggeration?