Serena defends equal pay in tennis

It took just 48 minutes for Serena Williams to reach her 9th Wimbledon final after she swept away Elena Vesnina 6-2 6-0. This result and the length of the match has revived the question if it’s fair for women to earn the same amount of money of men in tennis. On one side, some people (e.g.,. Djokovic) maintain that since men attract more audience than women, it is fair they have a higher prize money. On another side, there is the theory that females should not be discriminated, and they need to have the same pay also for the effort that they put in. Some people criticize the “effort theory” saying that if that is true, so it’s unfair that females earn the same in slams as they play a best of 3 matches while men have to battle in best of 5 matches.

It is fair that women earn the same as men in tennis. SERENA

During the interview after her semifinal in Wimbledon, Serena commented, “I don’t deserve to be paid less because of my sex. Basically, my whole life I’ve been doing this. I haven’t had a life.

I would like to see people, the public, the press, other athletes in general just realize and respect women for who they are and what we are and what we do.”

Is it fair women earn the same as men?