DOPING. Djokovic compared to Armstrong

The Washington Post has a rather aggressive (and probably unfair) view about Djokovic’s position on doping. For a sportsman like Nole, that is also so focused on his diet and health, we really find it impossible that he is implicated in anything related to doping. However, The Washington Post makes an extremely “hard” comparison between Djokovic and Armstrong on how they are tackling a complex topic with the media: doping.

According to The Washington Post, even if Djokovic is not accused of doping, he is using the same words as the former cyclist.


Almost 10 years ago, Lance was extremely aggressive against the media to point fingers at specific journalists “Walsh is the worst journalist I know,” Armstrong once commented. “There are journalists who are willing to lie, to threaten people and to steal in order to catch me out. All this for a sensational story. Ethics, standards, values, accuracy — these are of no interest to people like Walsh.” We all know that later Armstrong admitted he used banned drugs.


During a recent interview with the CNN on Monday, Nole blamed the media for dramatizing stories of doping in tennis “The media is trying to create the stories and so forth,” Djokovic commented “As long as there is no proof that somebody is doping, the sport is clean. We will keep it that way. I am actually proud of the integrity of our sport.”  

Nole can’t be compared with Armstrong, he really can’t. Sometimes the Serb is a bit too “sincere” with the press, but he can’t pay for beaing outspoken in this way. Probably time for the world no.1 to be a little more careful when talking to the media.