In the video “USE These THREE LOB COMBINATIONS to Take the Net! |,” the host talks about three smart lob strategies that can be used to surprise opponents and obtain the upper hand at the net.

To disrupt the opponent’s rhythm and draw them nearer to the net for more space, the initial approach is to play a gentle chita shot before lobbing.

The second strategy is called a double lob, in which the opponent is out of position for a better lob and two lobs are hit consecutively.

To force your opponent to move and consider their next move, you can use the third method, which involves lobbing a high ball towards them and then playing an angled stroke towards the fence.

These strategies promote concentration on the lob and its aftermath and are beneficial for players of all skill levels. Additionally, the coach stresses that lob shots don’t have to be struck forcefully or precisely, and in order to enhance general lob strategies, players should practice deep, high lobs before games. The last line of the film asks viewers to visit to learn more about different lob shot strategies.