INCREDIBLE. Why Djokovic sued Rio de Janeiro

4 years ago Novak Djokovic played an exhibition with local hero Gustavo Kuerten. Everything went well with exception that the government of Rio de Janeiro didn’t pay what agreed.

Apparently Nole had to get the (handsome) check of $1.1 million, but the government has paid “just” $450.000.

Djokovic. I still had great time

Novak Djokovic commented “[this problem] does not affect my presence in Rio [Olympics] or something similar that has to do with Brazil. I appreciated my permanence there, the meeting with Guga, who is one of my favorite players in tennis. The process is still underway and it has not been resolved, but we will find a way. I do not give priority to money. I had life experiences and value of life when I went to Brazil. So we will find a way. “

Apparently the agency that has organized the event hasn’t been paid by the government, so money was not “re-channeled” to the Serb.

Do not worry, Nole shouldn’t have problems to pay his bills…