WEIRD. Men seen fighting in a Seville street with pade rackets

In Seville, close to Altos Colegios, Sevici station, and Calle Feria, two individuals were observed fighting with padel tennis rackets on Calle Resolana. Drivers, taken aback by the crowded location and the regular use of the bus stop, captured the scene on camera.

padel rackets fight

Two people fighting with padel tennis rackets in the middle of the road adjacent to the well-known Altos Colegios, near to a Sevici station, and on the well-known Calle Feria startled locals and passing by on Calle Resolana in Seville a few days ago.

They were fighting with sticks there as some drivers watched, shocked at what they were witnessing in such a busy place—not only is there a bus stop five meters away, where a lot of people frequently congregate, but it’s also a popular route for families and groups of friends traveling to Barqueta or the Perdigones park.

This is the video.