Indian Wells CEO steps down after sexist comments

Raymond Moore has surprised the tennis community after stating that women in tennis are extremely lucky to have the same prize money of men. In addition, the Indian Wells CEO added that “If I was a lady player, I’d go down every night on my knees and thank God that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born, because they have carried this sport.”

That was a bit too much and Indian Wells tournament owner Larry Ellison had to take actions. Few hours ago Larry revealed that Raymond Moore stepped down from his role and he stressed how important was the equality in tennis.

The statement

Ellison commented “Nearly half a century ago, Billie Jean King began her historic campaign for the equal treatment of women in tennis. What followed is an ongoing, multi-generational, progressive movement to treat women and men in sports equally.

“I’m proud to say that it is now a decade long tradition at our tournament at Indian Wells, and all the major tennis tournaments, to pay equal prize money to both the women and the men.”

What was Moore expecting after his statement?