In tennis, it’s common to see players with a second ball tucked into their pockets during a match. While the fluffy balls serve an essential purpose, the practice of keeping an extra ball handy isn’t just for convenience but is rooted in the need to save time and maintain the flow of the game.

At prestigious tournaments like Wimbledon and other Grand Slams, players are given a maximum of 20 seconds to serve. This strict time limit necessitates efficient preparation, especially after a missed first serve. Having a second ball readily available allows players to quickly proceed with their second serve without having to wait for ball boys and girls to retrieve and provide another ball.

The second serve is crucial as it demands more control and precision compared to the first serve. By having an extra ball in their pocket, players can focus entirely on their serve without the distraction of selecting a suitable ball from the ball boys and girls. This practice helps players maintain their rhythm and composure, crucial factors in executing a successful second serve.

Reflecting on the importance of this practice, one can appreciate the strategic thinking behind every aspect of professional tennis, where even the smallest details can impact performance. The practice of keeping a second ball handy underscores the sport’s blend of mental and physical demands, highlighting how players optimize every second to gain a competitive edge.