Tennis icon Roger Federer delivered a poignant commencement speech at Dartmouth College, where he received an honorary doctorate for his philanthropy. Addressing the Class of 2024, Federer shared profound life lessons gleaned from his illustrious career on and off the court.

In his 25-minute address, Federer debunked the myth of “effortless” success, emphasizing the years of hard work behind his achievements: “The truth is, I had to work very hard… to make it look easy. I didn’t get where I got on pure talent alone.” He reflected on the frustrations and perseverance required to refine his game to appear effortless.

Acknowledging setbacks, Federer highlighted resilience as crucial, recalling his loss to Rafael Nadal at Wimbledon 2008: “You can work harder than you thought possible… and still lose. But I knew what I had to do… keep working. And keep competing.”

Beyond tennis, Federer underscored the broader perspective life offers: “Life is bigger than the court.” He stressed the importance of maintaining a balanced life, enriched with travel, culture, friendships, and family, amidst his global sporting career and philanthropic endeavors.

Federer’s speech resonated widely for its wisdom and personal reflections, leaving a lasting impression on graduates and attendees alike at Dartmouth College.