How to play the game of padel correctly

The coach emphasizes improving low ball play, positioning, communication, footwork, and padel tennis skills, emphasizing experimentation, restraint, and decisiveness.


The coach talks over a few techniques to improve your right-side padel tennis strokes. This section begins with discussing the importance of preparing ahead of time and positioning yourself to take advantage of changes in the ball’s trajectory and your dominant hand. The coach offers tips on how to utilize flowers to help with spin and preparation as well as how to maintain a lower grip for better control.

The topic of playing low balls from the right side is then brought up, emphasizing the advantages of catching opponents off guard despite the significant probability of making a bad lob. The speaker advises players to plan ahead and communicate clearly in order to create better opportunities for a nice volley. This motivates partners to move the ball.

This section also covers the importance of placement and footwork. It is recommended to utilize your left hand as a counterbalance and to play most of the balls in the middle or near the fence. The teacher gives tips on how to make the forehand volley better, emphasizing the need of using the left hand and keeping the left elbow raised.

The speaker’s overall advice to players on how to get better at padel tennis is to be decisive, focus on a limited number of shots, and try out different strategies.