How to serve and volley in padel

Sandy emphasizes the importance of serve and volley positions in padel tennis, advising quick court moves after serve to prevent attacks and avoiding mistakes.Sandy emphasizes the importance of serve and volley positions in padel tennis, advising quick court movements after a serve to prevent attacks and errors.

Return and serve in padel
serve and volley in padel

Sandy from The Padel School discusses the value of the serve and volleyball placement in padel tennis in this video. In keeping with the second post, he highlights how important it is to get off to a strong start and strive to be one step ahead of anyone serving from the opposing side. Sandy advises against making common mistakes like lining up too far back or too near to the first post, which can leave gaps for opponents to exploit.

He emphasizes the need of serving volley and moving quickly to the court position after the serve in order to cover the middle and prevent opponents from lobbing or attacking.

Sandy advises avoiding standing too far back or being too close to the net because these moves can provide big gaps for opponents to exploit. All things considered, the film highlights the importance of accurate positioning in padel tennis after the serve and provides shrewd counsel and practical tips for improving this aspect of the game.