How to hit a lob in padel properly

The coach discusses the importance of the lob shot in gaining net position, highlighting two types: high lob and fast lob. High lobs force opponents to retreat, while fast lobs require close proximity. The coach emphasizes lob shot practice and demonstrates various techniques.The coach emphasizes the importance of lob shots for net position, distinguishing between high and rapid lobs, and demonstrating various tactics and emphasizing practice.


The coach talks about how important lob shots are for getting net position and explains the differences between high and rapid lobs. When used against opponents at the net, the high lob works well to force them to back off and wait for the ball to bounce, allowing the player to move forward. Fast lobs are more sophisticated shots that require opponents to be in close proximity to the net since the ball bounces off the back glass after it clears their heads.

The coach emphasizes the value of practicing lob shots during training and suggests taking opponents and the environment into account when selecting which lob to use. Additionally, the movie shows off different lob tactics and illustrates how to use them in a point-by-point breakdown.