How to play padel against lobs

Sandy offers tips for tackling lobbers in padel tennis, including extra time on serves, assessing the opponent\'s position, being more aggressive with volleys and bandeja shots, and anticipating their shots based on visual cues. She also recommends checking out their overheads course for more comprehensive instruction on these techniques.Sandy advises countering lobbers in padel tennis, including giving serves more time, gauging opponent's position, aggressively volleying and bandejaing, and anticipating shots based on visual signals.


In padel tennis, Sandy offers lobber-handling techniques. In lobbing, the ball is struck high over the goal, making it difficult for the player on the receiving end to reach it. Sandy suggests spending more time on serves to make them more precise and difficult to lob in order to resist this strategy. Determining whether to come closer to the net or try a smash after the opponent has served might be aided by evaluating their position.

Increasing the intensity of your volleys and bandeja shots can impose pressure on opponents and make it harder for them to lobbing. Being more forceful with volleys and bandeja strokes can help break the pattern if a player is having trouble handling lobbed balls at the net. Using visual cues from opponents to predict their shoots can also help in getting ready for the following ball. Sandy recommends taking their overheads course for more thorough teaching on overheads.