The absence of Coello, Tapia, Chingotto, Galan, and other elite teams and players will be felt by Bordeaux P2 pade tournament

The reorganization of the Premier calendar has caused some top couples to miss the Bordeaux P2 and prevented the top four seeds from competing. As players give priority to points and travel, the competition will present chances for players in lower rankings.

coello tapia chingotto and galan

This year, a lot of P2 tournaments are scheduled, and a lot of players are beginning to give points and travel priority.Due to the reorganization of the Premier calendar in the latter part of the year, many elite couples will not be competing in the Bordeaux P2.

Many of the top couples in the circuit have decided to take a break and get ready for the Italy Major, the next major event on the schedule, as a result of the South American tour’s three weeks of nonstop competition.

Even though Bela and Tello are presently ranked fifth, they will start as the top seeds. As a result, the top four seeds will not be visiting France because they are not included in the Bordeaux P2 entry.

There will be no competition in the Bordeaux P2 for Coello – Tapia, Chingotto – Galán, Paquito – Lebron, or Stupa – Di Nenno. Thus, Mike Yanguas and Javi Garrido, who began the year in tenth place and are currently in sixth, will be the second seed. The third couple, Momo and Álex Ruiz, come next, with Maxi and Sanyo rounding out the top 4.

Bordeaux is going to be a different kind of event, where players who are ranked lower but have been working extremely hard to catch up will have more opportunity.