Alexander Zverev and his battle against diabetes

Alexander Zverev, a German tennis sensation, has overcome health challenges, including Type 1 diabetes, at just three years old. Despite initial skepticism, Zverev manages his condition through meticulous management and determination. He administers insulin via an insulin pen, faces on-court challenges, and constantly checks his blood sugar levels. Zverev also launched a diabetes charity to support children.

Sascha Zverev Vs Diabetes

Alexander Zverev, the German tennis sensation, has not only conquered the courts but also his own health challenges. Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the tender age of three, Zverev has defied the odds and continues to excel in the sport he loves.

The Early Diagnosis

Zverev’s journey began with a diagnosis that would shape his life forever. At just three years old, he learned that his body couldn’t produce insulin—a critical hormone necessary for regulating blood sugar levels. Unlike Type 2 diabetes, which often develops later in life due to insulin resistance, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that strikes early.

Managing Diabetes on the Court

Despite the initial skepticism from doctors who believed it impossible for someone with Type 1 diabetes to reach the pinnacle of their sport, Zverev proved them wrong. His secret lies in meticulous management and unwavering determination. Here’s how he navigates life as a diabetic athlete:

  1. Insulin Administration: Zverev administers insulin via an insulin pen, carefully monitoring his blood sugar levels during matches. His tennis bag contains everything he needs to maintain optimal glucose levels.
  2. On-Court Challenges: During the French Open, Zverev faced friction over where he could inject his insulin. Officials advised him to leave the court, but he pushed back. “This would mean that something is not allowed that is necessary for my well-being, for my life,” he asserted. His resilience prevailed, allowing him to continue competing at the highest level.
  3. Awareness and Adaptability: Zverev constantly checks his blood sugar levels, ensuring he remains in peak condition. His awareness of his body’s needs and swift adjustments have been crucial to his success.

Beyond Tennis: A Diabetes Advocate

Zverev’s journey isn’t just about personal triumph; it’s about inspiring others. He recently launched a diabetes charity, aiming to support children affected by the disease. By sharing his story, he hopes to raise awareness and empower those facing similar challenges.


Alexander Zverev’s resilience, both on and off the court, serves as a beacon of hope. His diabetes doesn’t define him; it fuels his determination to achieve greatness. As he continues to compete, he reminds us that with the right treatment and management, diabetes need not be a barrier—even for elite athletes

Alexander Zverev in 2024

Alexander Zverev

37 - 11win/loss

27 year old
2024 Highlights

Now the world no.4, Zverev played his last match on the 19th of May when he beat world no.19 Nicolas Jarry 6-4 7-5 in the final in Rome to win his 23rd career title.

This season Alexander has a compiled 28-9 match record. The German has won 2 titles in 2024 in Australia and Rome.

Alexander Zverev will play the world no.275 Rafael Nadal in the 1st round on Monday at 4:00 pm on Court PHILIPPE-CHATRIER. Their head to head is 7-3 for Nadal.

Zverev conquered 2 titles in 2024 in Australia and Rome.

Alexander won 23 titles in his career: 8 on hard courts, 8 on clay courts and 7 on indoor courts. (See the list of his titles)

Zverev has scheduled to compete next in Stuttgart (Boss Open). He will start the tournament from the main draw that will commence on the 10th of June.

Zverev's Record