Fernando Belasteguin says goodbye to Argentina after playing vs. Coello and Tapia in Mar del Plata

Witnesses watched Fernando Belasteguin's final professional match in Argentina shed many tears of gratitude for him. Bela was defeated by elite players Coello and Tapia 6-3, 6-1, but he was thankful for his family's support and the moments he enjoyed with them.

tapia coello hug Belasteguin

It’s finally the day of Fernando Belasteguin’s final professional game in Argentina. Bela, paired with Juan Tello, lost 6-3, 6-1 to the top two players, Agustin Tapia and Arturo Coello. But the Polideportivo Islas Malvinas supporters were standing to honor one of the greatest footballers of all time, and many of them were crying.

For Belasteguin and the crowd alike, it was an overwhelming evening. Bela expressed a range of feelings about it when he said, “I lost, but inside I have a feeling of calm.” “I’m playing my final tournament here in Mar del Plata, where I first began playing in 1995, after thirty years. My favorite recollections? Each and every time my family and I have visited. There isn’t much time in a year for that, and you begin to comprehend a lot of things when you experience fatherhood.

Belasteguin was the most highly regarded player in the Mar del Plata Premier Padel P1’s first two games. He had paid back the supporters on the court with two three-set marathons. “I will never finish thanking the people and the fans for the respect I received,” he said, displaying his obvious gratitude. I’ll thank each person individually. You can make mistakes in your profession, and I have made my fair share, but people have never ceased to adore me.

Objectives Beyond Argentina

Even though Bela’s time in Argentina may be coming to an end, he still has a lot of tasks to accomplish before saying goodbye to padel. He wants to compete in the FIP World Padel Championships in Doha as well as events on the Premier Padel circuit. “I will continue to train as I have always done, and if I don’t get called up, I hope to at least give the coaches a chance to doubt,” he says, resolute in his determination to give it his best in the final four months.

For aspiring athletes, Belasteguin continues to be a role model and icon. His devotion and work ethic have had a long-lasting effect on the sport. “The only thing I know about progress in life is working: there is no ball that pays for the feeling of having worked every day of your life,” he said, reflecting on his path. His career has been defined by his choices, both good and bad, and he is happy with the direction the padel sport has taken.

Fernando Belasteguin deserves a lot of the credit for the way padel is developing. Future generations will be inspired by his legacy, and his farewell in Mar del Plata will live on in the hearts of his adoring followers everywhere.

Keep in mind that your legacy matters just as much as your on-court accomplishments. Belasteguin left a lasting legacy of love, respect, and cherished memories that go beyond his accomplishments and honors.

Bela, thank you so much for the wonderful feelings! I hope your upcoming chapter is just as motivating!

equally inspiring!