Nadal. I am not changing Toni

Rafael and Toni Nadal have been an amazing team. The Spanish Legend has managed to win 14 majors and 67 title. Interesting enough there is a “movement” that believes that Rafa should change his coach.


Nadal: I am lucky to have Toni

Rafa commented “Without Toni, nothing would have been possible. I feel so lucky that I have somebody from my family that is my coach for ever. That’s a big advantage in my opinion.”

Toni. I am not too expensive

Toni added his thoughts in his own way “It’s not my decision, his decision. No, maybe he needs the best coach, but I am not too expensive,”

Rafa without uncle Toni? Doesn’t seem right… let’s what can the achieve next year.

Can’t separate these 2