Kyrgios, Tomic are coming right. TENNIS AUSTRALIA

Nick Kyrgios and Bernard Tomic hit the headlines in 2015 for the wrong reasons. Both have been ostracized by virtually everyone and they struggled a lot also with their relationship with their own Tennis Federation.

Even if both Kyrgios and Tomic have been recently excluded from the nominations of the prestigious Newcombe Medal Award, something is changing… for the good.

Tennis Australia: They are making a go…

Craig Tiley, the boss of Tennis Australia, commented “I’d love nothing more than both Bernie and Nick to have a great 2016, as we all would. There’s no rifts; no animosity between Tennis Australia and those two guys. They are making a real go of a professional tennis career.

They know what our expectations are and when they meet them they get rewarded and if they don’t, they don’t.”

… we are fortunate to have them

Tiley added “We’ve got a good relationship with both of them, no question. I spent time with Bernie in the UK when he played Davis Cup and in my view he is saying all the right things. They are both different people and they are both extremely talented.

We’re fortunate in Australia to have them among a group of good male players. That’s great for us.”