Golf Legend — > Kyrgios is disgraceful

Nick Kyrgios is trying to bounce back, but he is definitely not helped by his fellow Australians.

Kyrgios’s behavior is disgraceful…

Golf Legend Greg Norman is not impressed with Nick’s antics to comment “I personally think it’s disgraceful. It sickens me when I see that, and somebody in America or somebody else says, well you Australians are all like that guy, I say no we’re not.

It’s sad to see it and it’s a poor reflection on our sport and our country”


… and he has not (yet) achieved anything

Then Norman added “To be quite honest he (Kyrgios) hasn’t done anything yet either to warrant this behavior and you don’t see Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal or Novak Djokovic or an Andy Murray – you don’t see those guys in the elite doing it.”

Kyrgios is now risking a 28 days’ ban. Norman would not cry for that.