WATCH. Tsitsipas and his father Apostolos riding horses on the beach in Acapulco

Greek tennis player Stefanos Tsitsipas recently toured Mexican beaches while riding on a horse. Tsitsipas recently posted a video of himself and his father riding horses on Instagram before the start of the Acapulco Open.

Tsitsipas With His Father

Greek tennis player Stefanos Tsitsipas recently explored Mexican beaches while riding on a horse. Tsitsipas recently posted a video of himself and his father riding horses on Instagram before the start of the Acapulco Open main draw.

Last week, Tsitsipas traveled to Mexico to defend his Los Cabos title. After a first-round bye, the second seed started his campaign with an easy 6-3, 6-0 victory over Aleksandar Vukic in the second round.

Through his victory over Aleksandar Kovacevic in the quarterfinals, he edged closer to the finish line. But Norway’s Casper Ruud put an end to his trip in the semifinals.

Tsitsipas left for Mexico after the loss. Before the main draw of the Acapulco Open began, Tsitsipas recently shared a video of himself on Instagram riding a horse with his father and singing the words of Lil Nas X’s hit song ‘Old Town Road’.

Tsitsipas captioned the post: “One of many adventures we experience in Mexico. Acapulco, here we come.”

On February 27, Tsitsipas will take on Roman Safiullin of Russia in his Acapulco debut. In the doubles competition, he will also compete in a pair with his brother Petros.

Stefanos Tsitsipas in 2024

Stefanos Tsitsipas

36 - 17win/loss

I Hard
26 year old
2024 Highlights

Now the world no.12, Stefanos played his last match on the 23rd of February when he was defeated by world no.11 Casper Ruud 6-4 7-6(4) in the semifinal in Los Cabos (draw).

At present, during this year the Greek has managed to achieve a composed 7-3 record. Stefanos Tsitsipas’s latest run in Los Cabos was the best achievement of his season.

Los Cabos
Tsitsipas's Record